Long Wall Aquarium [36]

Long Wall Aquarium [36]
This is a 4 metre long in wall aquarium in a split level home. The aquarium was designed to sit above the lounge area whilst forming one wall of a corridor on the next level.
This bespoke aquarium has a large population of cichlids which are a hardy, colourful fish.
We designed the filtration to fit in the two cupboards below the aquarium
Our client, a keen fisherman and fishkeeper, has specifically stocked the aquarium with a large group of cichlids which are a bright and vibrant fish from lakes Victoria and Malawi in the Rift Valley of Africa. The advantage of cichlids over many fish is that they are colourful, grow quote large and, in spite of being territorial are very successful at breeding in a normal aquarium environment.
They do require efficient filtration which is something we fit on all our aquariums.

2500 litres

400cm x 70cm x 90cm

15mm glass